This bike rack comes fully assembled and is designed for convenience and versatility. It folds flat for easy storage and fits most sedans, hatchbacks, and SUVs, making it a practical choice for various vehicles. With a capacity to hold three bikes, it features sturdy construction and handy design elements like easily adjustable support arms and bike hold-downs that securely separate and hold each bike in place. The narrow frame configuration accommodates a wide range of bike sizes and styles, ensuring a perfect fit. Additionally, the reflective red end caps enhance visibility and safety during transport. The rack itself measures 73 × 50 cm, while the packing size is 77 × 53 × 11 cm. It has a net weight of 3.685 kg and a packing weight of 4.355 kg, with a bearing capacity of up to 45 kg, providing strong and reliable support for your bikes on the
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